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"This is an excellent course! All of the instructors are not only very passionate & committed to the optimal health & wellbeing of babies and parents, but they are all also such pioneers in this field, all pushing the envelope and exploring and studying to continue learning more. Very inspiring and so informative. Everything from oral restrictions and assessment to nutrition, movement, gut health, epigenetics, various therapies... so much great information. I highly recommend this for all IBCLCs!...Shira Johnson Murphree, IBCLC 

"I just wanted to take a minute to say... taking this course was the BEST thing I have done for my business and the clients I serve."...Kristen Davis, IBCLC

"I have profound gratitude for the Masters Class. My ability to help dyads has sharpened because of it."

"Thank you all so much! Taking the class and having the cards has revolutionized my practice."...Ana M Hill, IBCLC

"You should charge more. It is totally worth every penny!"...Barbara A Kalmen, IBCLC 

"I just signed up for the refresher part of this amazing course. and wanted to share with you here.

I've been an IBCLC for 15 years this year and this was, hands down, the best class I have taken. It changed how I practice and gave me so many more answers for how to help the babes that we all struggle with.

I highly recommend attending - especially while it is local, I flew to New Jersey for the first one and it was worth flying to the east coast but now we don't have to! (no affiliation, just highly recommend this class!)"...Rachelle Markham, IBCLC

"This course should be a requirement for any IBCLC. Whether you are practicing in an in-patient setting or as a private practice IBCLC in the community, the classes included will fill in many gaps in traditional lactation education. Despite my own years of experience in allopathic pediatric medicine, I learned a tremendous amount of actionable material. The course covers much more than how to work with a dyad experiencing tethered oral tissue. I am looking forward to attending their other offerings in the near future. ...Chaya Lighten, IBCLC


"This was one of the best conferences I've attended. I learned so much from each of you, and from many of the participants as well. I knew I would learn things to help with the babies, I didn't know that I would learn things to help myself as well! Thank you all for such a well put-together program. Everything flowed appropriately, the hands on was great, sharing your slides was generous. I would totally recommend this conference, and might even have to repeat it because you taught us so much I can't imagine retaining it all!"...Gail Dittes RNC IBCLC

"There were some babes that just couldn’t transfer or would fatigue at the breast with a normal latch and why weren’t they thriving and why did moms nipple have trauma or vasospasms? This class put the puzzle pieces together! I am becoming more and more comfortable with my skills even with not being able to diagnose in my facility. I refer for evaluations and often see the couplet back for continued support after the procedure. This learning has saved so many that would have ended their breastfeeding relationship way earlier than planned!"....Linda Kennedy, BSN, RN, IBCLC

"This was the capstone educational piece for my profession. It was wonderful to be around professionals who are the top performers in what we do. To be with a tribe of people who "get it" rekindled my passion for helping moms and babies. I have a love of learning and I didn't want to miss a single second of the lectures. I honestly don't know how any IBCLC can practice without taking this course. Without the critical skills taught in this course, we are not doing enough to help our communities."...Jacqueline Kincer, IBCLC

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