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Holistic Functional Lactation Cohort 9

Time is TBD


Hybrid Lectures On-Line/Residency In-Person

APPLY NOW for Cohort #9: BEGINS SEPTEMBER 2024 Hybrid Lectures On-Line/Residency In-Person Email for the application

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Holistic Functional Lactation Cohort 9
Holistic Functional Lactation Cohort 9

Time & Location

Time is TBD

Hybrid Lectures On-Line/Residency In-Person

About the event

"I contemplated taking Jennifer Tow’s Holistic Lactation Residency for 2 years.

First it was the cost, then the time commitment, I just wasn’t ready to dedicate myself to the process.   Then fall 2023 I was ready and excited. Having taken almost all of Jennifer Tow’s amazing courses I (wrongly) assumed I knew what I was in for. Nothing could have prepared me for the depth of lectures, the detail into function and how the required reading with the lectures would change my life.

I took the course with the intent to understand and serve my clients better. To be able to support them with more than platitudes about milk supply. What I never expected was how this course would change my life, my family’s life. The things I have learned allow me to understand my own health struggles and create a path towards wellness. I have embraced homeopathy, cell salts, home remedies, herbal medicine and many other forgotten or overlooked holistic healing modalities. These will help not only my family, but my clients.

The in person week in Connecticut was much more than I expected. Learning from the other capstone projects, watching Dr Vallone masterfully adjust babies, Dr Kundel fully release babies and Dr Geis guide an adult release was more than I could have wanted to fill a week.   Meeting with everyone in the course and becoming friends will change my life as well.

If you are considering this course I implore you to prioritize not just attending the lectures but to fully embrace yourself in this, to not just learn but to live this.  Change not just your practice but your life!

Respectfully, Katie Oshita, RN, BSN, IBCLC, USA/2024

"The Holistic Lactation course colors in the picture of the dyad that has been noticeably absent from lactation training. It re-centers the mom as the baby’s universe, and continues to teach how to always see mom and baby wholly together. Holistic Lactation builds a community around you so you can be curious with others together along your journey of furthering your lactation knowledge and services. The time spent online and in person, along with the in person Baby Fascia course, is invaluable. Holistic Lactation elevates the profession and shows us where we need to be headed."

Le'a Minton, MSN, APRN, CNM, IBCLC, USA, 2023  

We've just completed our 2024 Residency in CT, USA for the Holistic Integrative/Functional Lactation Course!

Cohort 9 Holistic Functional Lactation Course applications now being accepted!

 Make this the year that makes all the difference in the way you practice.

This course is multi-disciplinary. The new Cohort #8 begins in September. DEADLINE EXTENDED TO AUGUST 3, 2024 Email today: or text: 860-368-0617 with your email address for the application APPLY NOW for Cohort #9: BEGINS SEPTEMBER 2024


Ala Abutaki, IBCLC, Saudi Arabia, 2021

“I don’t feel like an outsider wanting to apply holistic measures with common breastfeeding problems. This is a group of women wanting to upgrade their practice knowing that the standard available is below the minimum that mothers need these days. I had no idea what is homeopathy before this course, I was hesitant about using herbs with mothers, I had no clue about labs related to problems with lactation, and last but not least epigenetic was such a scary word that I didn’t even think about searching it! I have more clients, more confidence, more tools, and a way to learn for life and build on this mountain of knowledge. It’s beyond my expectation and changed the way I am as a mother and as a lactation consultant, thank you Jennifer!”

Adina Popov, IBCLC, Romania, 2021

"I had the amazing opportunity to be a part of the 1 year long programme Jennifer Tow teaches. It has shifted my practice, made me knowledgeable of subjects like metabolism, the gut, oral reflexes, metabolism, epigenetics and the airway.During the 2 weeks programme in Connecticut we have visited Dr. Kundel’s practice, watched CO2 frenectomies and discussed osteopathic guided releases; we evaluated babies together with Dr. Sharon Vallone, one of the best chiropractors in the world, she also treated the children during our sessions. In the last days, we took the Pediatric fascial therapy course, which Jennifer was kind to organise for us.I have taken all of Jennifer’s courses on and already knew that the insight she offers is invaluable. Having the chance to be around some of the most well-prepared professionals around the world during this residency created human and professional connections that will last for a lifetime.Thank you Jennifer, I am already looking forward to our next courses together."

Maryam Alrahmani, IBCLC, Msc, Ph, Kuwait, 2019

"When you think you had it all and know what you’re doing, Jennifer Tow just opens the door to the unknown! There was always this missing piece in the puzzle when working with moms that I was not sure what it is, and taking that course showed me all the missing pieces and how they fit perfectly and beautifully in every case! It is a whole-istic care in a holistic approach. It is not like any other course, it is not a simple list of information, it is not a repetition you’ve heard here or there, it is deeply organized, well researched, prepared material that is presented with professionalism and depth to challenge and create new right norms that elevate the care for mothers and babies in the high standard way that they really deserve. It is fair to say it is a respectful course; respects the culture, religion, the past and the future. After every class I grow and feel this growth on myself as well as in my work. It is a successful investment that is truly worth your time and money. This is where you can do better and should do better, because in our field we should always be better. We are working where life and a new relationship start, so let’s help it start in the best way that it could be.

"Dr. Jimi Francis, MS, PhD, IBCLC, RDN, Research Director, Foundation for Maternal, Infant, and Lactation Knowledge, USA, 2023 

"I had the privilege of participating in the Holistic Lactation Cohort #7 over the last year, and I must say it was an incredible and transformative experience. As a long-time IBCLC (30 years), I wanted to learn some additional ways to help the families I serve. This training expanded my "tool kit" and completely changed my perspective.The trainers were highly knowledgeable and the information they provided was comprehensive and evidence-based. One of the most valuable aspects of the training was the emphasis on the connection between mother and baby during breastfeeding. I also appreciated the focus on problem-solving and troubleshooting complex breastfeeding challenges from a holistic perspective.Throughout the training, there was a strong emphasis on respecting individual choices and acknowledging that each breastfeeding journey is unique. Whether a mother chooses exclusive breastfeeding, combination feeding, or exclusive pumping, the trainers emphasized that what matters most is the well-being of both the baby and the mother. As a result of this training, the knowledge and skills I gained are invaluable in helping to improve the quality of life for families.The personal connections I made with the other members of the cohort has become a strong support system for me. I highly recommend this breastfeeding training for even the most experienced IBCLC. It has the potential to positively impact the lives of countless mothers and babies."

Katharina von Herff, IBCLC, CSOM, Germany, 2023The Holistic Lactation Class takes a deep-dive into the many overall bodily functions and their relationship to breastfeeding/ the breastfeeding-dyad. The holistic approach to support the dyad asks the „why behind the why“: like peeling an onion, Jennifer taught us to „dig" deeper one step at a time and to recognize things, that are commonly overlooked, declared as normal or as not treatable. Plus of course many different approaches on how to optimize the situation for the dyad, to promote healing instead of working on another set of compensations.In the beginning of the year I felt like looking down into a rabbit hole from above – now, after a year of learning, I am inside the rabbit hole: my range of ability to offer support for dyads extended in many different directions.And I want to learn & explore more.And for the feeling of being home in what I do and love: helping dyads breastfeed. 


Caroline Tobias, SLP, USA, 2021

"I cannot remember a training that has so immediately affected me both personally and professionally. Of course, a degree of learning is expected from every conference you attend, but the information and engagement that occurred during this residency was truly life changing in the best way. I left feeling more competent than ever (a big deal for me as I have life long imposter syndrome!) but also with new avenues that I want to dive into and the tools to know I can confidently look deeper into those areas.I cannot recommend this training enough."

Melissa Schiff, IBCLC, USA, 2023

"I highly recommend this program! If you want to up your game in lactation this year long Holistic Lactation course is exactly what you need!Jennifer Tow teaches in a way that brings together her incredible knowledge and experience while empowering participants to use the power of nature to support the dyad. In today's world mothers and babies are exposed to so much stress, poor diet, lack of nutrients, poor gut health, and lack of support, through this course Jennifer not only addresses these topics head on but gives you the tools to genuinely support the dyad.After completing the course and residency I feel so much more confident assessing these situations and understanding how to address them while making sure to protect the mother and baby dyad. Jennifer also brought in top knotch speakers for different topics such as specifics on nutrients, lactogenic foods, oral restrictions, and body tension to name a few. Highlights for me during the residency were attending in-person frenectomies on babies, bodywork sessions on babies and watching Jennifer work directly with her clients using many of the modalities she taught us during the course. After the residency I stayed for the 3 day Fascia Baby course with Christine Holefelder which I also highly recommend! Christine's teaching style is so creative and effective and I feel l've definitely gained skills from her that I can use to directly make.a difference with the babies I support everyday in private practice."

Erinn Sutherland, CSOM, Canada, 2019

"Attending the 2022 residency was the highlight of taking the year long holistic lactation course. After a year of engaging in up to date and critical research in the course it was culminated in the residency. My colleagues presented top quality engaging presentations on diverse topics pertaining to lactation, and brought such amazing experiences with them. It was fulfilling to be surrounding by brilliant women who brought so much knowledge to the table in conversation. Jennifer has a knack for finding up to date and skilled people in the field. She brought in several engaging and highly skilled speakers involved in the process of tongue tie releases, baby fascial therapy and muscle testing, which was an invaluable learning experience. It has brought much to reflect upon my practice and where I can improve things to better assist families I work with."

Katharina von Herff, IBCLC, CSOM, Germany, 2023

"The residency in Connecticut at the end of the year, brought our small group finally together to observe, discuss, explore and learn in person from Jennifer, as well as from Sharon Vallone, Leonard Kundel, Michael Geis, Christine Holefelder and more. It was a matchless experience, again filled with many different perspectives on the support and optimization of overall body functions and the dyad. I left for home deeply thankful for our wonderful cohort, the many conversations and encounters during class and in breaks, the hugs, the tears, the connection, the friendship, the wealth of knowledge to learn from."

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